Suit Of Cups
What Are The Suit Of Cups Cards Of Minor Arcana & What Do They Mean?

- AKA: Chalices
- Element: Water
- Zodiac: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
- Playing Card Suit: Hearts
- Rules: The Heart
The Suit of Cups is the suit of the soul. It reflects our emotional journeys and refers to the emotional elements in our daily lives. The cup cards reveal the nature of our relationships. They also have the unique ability to disclose the emotions of those who are close to us. Because this suit is connected to the soul, their tarot card meanings can reveal past traumas that permeate our everyday lives and perspectives.
The Suit of Cups is also associated with the element of water. Water is a symbol of the unconscious, the world of dreams, and the intuitive parts of our psyches. Water can serve as a mirror. This mirror reflects our self-images, the wounds we have endured, and the gifts we can emotionally give to others.
In a tarot reading, the Suit of Cups can shed light on the areas in our lives that our fluid as well as reveal the areas where we are stuck. In essence, the Cup cards reflect our overall sense of well being.
The Suit Of Cups Tarot List Of Cards
Please click on the images for you to get comprehensive and thorough meaning of each tarot cards
Reading And Understanding The Suit Of Cups Cards
The suit of cups tends to be my favorite of all the suits. I believe, it is the suit of the "soul" and its language always refers to the emotional aspects of our daily lives. In a tarot reading, the Suit of Cups sheds light on the nature of our current relationships. It often reflects the emotional landscapes of ourselves, as well as gives insight into the emotions to those who are close to us. Because this suit is interconnected with the soul and the soul journey, their tarot card meanings can reveal past traumas that permeate our everyday lives and our perceptions of the world.
Most tarot decks incorporate this suit. However, they are not always represented by the image of the cup. They can also depict cauldrons, goblets, and hearts. Because this suit refers to a container of some kind, the element is water. Water is a symbol of the unconscious, the dream world, and the intuitive natures of our psyches. Water is also a mirror. This mirror reflects our emotional natures, the wounds we have endured, and the gifts we can emotionally give to others. The cups also symbolize the "nurturing" qualities that have influenced our lives and can often reveal where we have emotionally struggled. In a tarot reading, the Suit of Cups can reveal the areas in our lives that our fluid as well as reveal the areas that are stuck. Their tarot card meanings can reflect our overall emotional wellbeing.
The Suit Of Cups In A Love Tarot Reading
In a love Tarot reading, this suit can depict the onset of new relationships as well as the termination of relationships. Depending on the card you pull and where it is positioned, this suit often is associated with love in general. They can be "birth cards"; the birth of a relationship, a new idea, and new actions to embark upon. The flip side to the Suit of Cups is the negative aspects to our emotions. In a tarot card reading, the suit of cups reversed often depicts moodiness, instability, over-indulgence, self-centeredness, and an inclination towards addictions of all kinds. They can also indicate a broken heart, loss and the failure of relationships.