Suit Of Wands

What Are The Suit Of Wands Cards Of Minor Arcana & What Do They Mean?


The Suit of Wands is a creative suit and often reflects the imaginative and resourceful components to our natures. Drawing of The Suit of Wands in a tarot reading is typically associated with one’s career and sense of purpose within the world. The Wands indicate the need to evaluate your options and then move forward with force.

The corresponding element to the Suit of Wands is fire; associated with passion, creativity, spirituality and power. On a personal level, the suit is about our fire, our sexuality, its development. For this reason, the Wands are a powerful suit when associated with love Tarot.

The Suit Of Wands Tarot List Of Cards

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Reading And Understanding The Suit Of Wands Cards

The Suit of Wands is the suit of action and direction. It is a creative suit and often reflects the imaginative and resourceful components to our natures. They also represent our ideas and new beginnings. They are the seeds from which things grow. In a Tarot reading, the suit of wands is typically associated with one’s career and sense of purpose within the world. The Wands indicate the need to evaluate your options and then move forward with force.

The corresponding element to the Suit of Wands is fire. Fire is associated with passion, creativity, spirituality and power. It represents our ambitions and efforts. This is the energy that drives us. Fire embodies one’s initiative and desires.

On a personal level, Wands tend to be warm and enthusiastic people. They value tradition and want their environment to be harmonious. They also prefer to be self-employed and value their independence. They are often entrepreneurs or the self-made man or woman. They are people of action and tend to get things done. They are resourceful and full of life.

In a tarot reading, the Suit of Wands tarot card meanings can also refer to issues surrounding sexuality and fertility. In a love tarot reading, the wands represent the sex drive, love intentions and initiation. However, they can also represent loss of interest, infidelity, and a low sex drive. This is a powerful suit when associated with love tarot. They can offer tremendous insight into the nature of someone’s relationship or relationships to come.

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