Suit Of Pentacles
What Are The Suit Of Pentacles Cards Of Minor Arcana & What Do They Mean?

- AKA: Coins
- Element: Earth
- Zodiac: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
- Playing Card Suit: Diamonds
- Rules: The Physical Realm (Wealth)
The Suit of Pentacles represents all things that reside in the physical world. Their tarot card meanings refer to material gain, financial security, emotional stability, and the rewards of our labor. Pentacles represent the manifestation and realization of our goal directed energy. It is also the suit of health and the "physical body". It is not surprising that its corresponding element is that of earth. Pentacles can symbolize mother earth, growth and fertility. It is the suit of material abundance and can refer to all that this earth can give us.
On a practical level, the Suit of Pentacles refers to matters of real-estate, property and industry. Pentacles may represent anything that has to do with the exchange of money. This includes situations related to banking, inheritance and financial management. Their tarot card meanings may also refer to issues of trust, generosity, commitment and egalitarianism. They encourage one to take actions of charity, kindness and the defending of those who are being treated unfairly.
The Suit Of Pentacles Tarot List Of Cards
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Reading And Understanding The Suit Of Pentacles Cards
In a tarot reading, the suits of pentacles typically represent all that resides in the physical world. Their tarot card meanings refer to material gain, financial security, emotional stability, and the fruits of our labor. It is the suit of manifestation and realization. It is also the suit of health and the "physical body". It is not surprising that their element is earth. Depending on the deck that is used in a tarot reading, pentacles can be depicted as disc, coins or diamonds.
The Suit Of Pentacles Other Meanings
The suit of pentacles also encompasses our own, personal value system. They represent our code of ethics and often refer to personal growth within our external consciousness. In other words, the pentacles can signify shifts in our ego related philosophies. When numerous pentacles are drawn in a tarot reading, there tends to be more than just money issues. There may be areas in one's life that require a reevaluation of current perceptions and ideals. This is often the case when the pentacles are drawn in the framework of personal relationships. It is the suit of giving and receiving and they denote the cyclical nature of our affairs, both personally and professionally.
Pentacles can also symbolize the mother earth, growth, and fertility. It is the suit of material resources and can refer to all that this earth can give us. On a more practical level, their tarot card meanings can refer to matters of real-estate, property, and industry. Often, the suit of pentacles may represent anything that may have to due with the exchange of money. This includes situations relating to banking matters, inheritance, and financial management. Their tarot card meanings may also refer to issues of trust, generosity, commitment and egalitarianism. They may propose actions of charity, kindness, and the defending of those who are being treated unfairly.
The Suit Of Pentacles & The Negative Aspects
The negative aspects of the suit of pentacles may include issues of greed, selfishness, self-centeredness, unrealistic expectations, and an over dependency on others. They may reflect those in your life who have little to offer or they may reflect areas that require you to be more generous with yourself. In any case, their tarot card meanings will shed light on current situations that require balance and integrity.